Thursday, April 14, 2011

Boulder Hike

The beginning of April we decided to go on a day hike. I was a little nervous just because Alex is still so small. We decided to use some money from our tax return to buy a Kelty backpack for him. It was the best purchase ever. I have a hard time getting him to stay in any kind of backpack/carrier. He loved it in there and I even use it around the house to clean and cook dinner. As long as I am moving around he is happy. The hike was 2 miles up. I had to take a lot of breaks along the way because I am not in very good shape since having Alex. This was a good way to get into shape and lose some baby weight. He ended up sleeping the whole time, I was suprised becaue we were hiking for about 3 hours. He woke up just as we were down the mountain. Steve took a video when we made it to the top. There was also a train that was running on the other side of the mountain that was really cool to see when we got to the top. We had a good time.